Under the Radar: Scotstown Dance Band

Scotstown Dance BandScotstown Dance Band
Scotstown Dance Band
For their latest project, Jacob and Rory Green have gone back to their traditional Scottish roots, write Olaf Furniss and Derick Mackinnon

Scotstown Dance Band marks a dramatic change in direction for brothers Jacob and Rory Green, who enjoyed success as JR Green. In their former guise, they released an EP via Hits the Fan Records (Kathryn Joseph, Frightened Rabbit), performed at T in the Park, TRNSMT, BBC 6 Music Festival and twice secured the coveted Single of the Week on BBC Radio Scotland.

Now, though, they’ve gone back to their traditional Scottish roots, both in terms of genre and location, having moved home to the remote Highland village of Sunart. It’s early days, but they’ve already supported award-winning folk group Breabach, The Jellyman’s Daughter, and they release their excellent debut single Shawfield Greyhound Stadium on 18 January.

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Live, they’re joined by Megan McNally and fellow Ardnamurchan Camanachd shinty teammates, Allan Nairn and Fred Patterson. Definite ones to watch in 2024, they support Grace Morton at Glasgow’s The Hug and Pint on 7 January, Calum Baird at Edinburgh’s Sneaky Pete’s on Burns Night, and co-headline Ardgour Memorial Hall alongside waverley. on 26 January. For more information, visit https://linktr.ee/dancebandscotstown

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