Under the Radar: Nikhita

Nikhita PIC: Diana GeorgievaNikhita PIC: Diana Georgieva
Nikhita PIC: Diana Georgieva
Nikhita is a promising vocal talent with a soulful style, write Olaf Furniss and Derick Mackinnon

Growing up, Edinburgh-based Nikhita absorbed the soundtracks of the Indian movies played at home, with Varsham a particular favourite. This was blended with other inspirations including the Hairspray musical and an early foray into performance, when at the age of 14 she created an Instagram account for posting her cover versions of Taylor Swift songs.

Fast-forward to 2022 and Nikhita’s debut single, Aphrodite, was picked up by BBC Asian network as was its follow up, Unwrap Me, a collaboration with Dundee rapper MC Salum, which was also single of the week on Radio Scotland’s Introducing show.

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Both songs highlight a promising vocal and musical talent, and a soulful style which occasionally nods to influences Lauren Hill and Raveena.

Nikhita’s latest single, Golden Child, was released this week, with another track scheduled to come out in July. She plays Glasgow’s Glad Café on 12 May, followed by an appearance at the Spit It Out Festival in Edinburgh on 22 June. For news and updates, visit https://linktr.ee/__nikhita

Olaf Furniss and Derick Mackinnon run music industry seminar and social night Born To Be Wide, www.borntobewide.co.uk Find them on Twitter @olafwide and @newfoundsound

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