Rumour Mill: Scotland's latest failure | Caixinha and Miller end dispute | Celtic have '˜no chance'

Scotland's head coach Gordon Strachan. Picture: AFP/GettyScotland's head coach Gordon Strachan. Picture: AFP/Getty
Scotland's head coach Gordon Strachan. Picture: AFP/Getty
Scotland again fall short in their bid to reach a major international tournament, Kenny Miller and Pedro Caixinha appear to have buried the hatchet, and Celtic have 'no chance' against Bayern Munich according to ex-Scotland boss Berti Vogts.
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Strachan blames genetics

Gordon Strachan has blamed his players’ lack of height as his team crashed out of another World Cup qualifying campaign. The Scots could only draw against Slovenia in a match they had to win to reach the play-offs. Asked what went wrong for Scotland – both last night and across the campaign – Strachan bemoaned his team’s lack of physical stature and admitted it was a problem that couldn’t be easily solved. (The Scotsman)

Scotland's head coach Gordon Strachan. Picture: AFP/GettyScotland's head coach Gordon Strachan. Picture: AFP/Getty
Scotland's head coach Gordon Strachan. Picture: AFP/Getty

- Chris Sutton describes Strachan’s excuse as “bull” on Twitter. (Scottish Sun)

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- Strachan insists now is not the time to talk about his future after watching his Scotland side fall short in their bid to reach the World Cup. (The Scotsman)

Griffiths: Scotland can be proud

Scotland's head coach Gordon Strachan. Picture: AFP/GettyScotland's head coach Gordon Strachan. Picture: AFP/Getty
Scotland's head coach Gordon Strachan. Picture: AFP/Getty

Leigh Griffiths says Scotland can hold their heads up high as they suffered World Cup heartbreak in Slovenia. The striker told Sky Sports: “We put so much into qualifying, in the last four or five games we have been outstanding and we just needed that one final push. It’s disappointing, but we can hold our heads up high.” (The Scotsman)

Fletcher considers his future

Darren Fletcher has revealed that he’s considering his international future after Scotland’s exit. The 33-year-old, who started the match in Slovenia, insists prolonging his English Premier League career is the priority. (Daily Record)

Miller and Caixinha make-up

Kenny Miller and Pedro Caixinha appear to have ended their dispute after the veteran striker scored for the first-team in Rangers’ closed doors friendly match against Morton. The 37-year-old had been axed from the squad prior to the 4-1 win over Hamilton but was recalled for the 3-3 draw on Saturday. (Daily Record)

Brazil: Old Firm bubble has burst

Alan Brazil believes the Old Firm bubble has “well and truly burst” after TV viewing figures showed a drop in audience for the first game of the season between the pair. Around 275,000 people tuned into Celtic’s 2-0 victory away to Rangers across two Sky channels, which was 145,000 fewer than the Sheffield derby the following day. (Sunday Post)

Celtic have ‘no chance’ against Bayern

Celtic have “no chance” of getting anything away to Bayern Munich, according to ex-Scotland boss Berti Vogts. The German, who also managed his country’s national team, says the game is too important for the home side after a poor start to their season, and they should be reinvigorated under returning head coach Jupp Heynckes. (Daily Record)