Disciplinary hearing postponed after '˜bust-up in car park'

Ally LoveAlly Love
Ally Love
The disciplinary case against Clyde player Ally Love for allegedly using racist terms to Annan's Rabin Omar in a League 2 game at Broadwood on 2 January has been put back a week to allow the Scottish Football Association to gather more information about an alleged bust-up between the players in the car park after the game.

Love, who was making his debut for Clyde, is facing a ban of up to 16 games if he is found guilty of making repeated and varied comments to Omar who was born in Holland to a family who are originally from Kurdistan.

After Love was reported by referee Scott Millar both clubs were asked to supply witness statements to the Scottish FA’s head of compliance Tony McGlennan. McGlennan considered the evidence and Love was issued with a notice of complaint, with a meeting scheduled for yesterday to hear the case.

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That meeting was postponed after information came forward of an angry exchange between the players in the car park at the Cumbernauld ground half an hour after the game ended which was witnessed by several players as well as Love’s parents.

The disciplinary hearing has now been rescheduled for Thursday.