Golf's return to start with single golfers or household groups

Course closed in Grangemouth. Picture: Michael GillenCourse closed in Grangemouth. Picture: Michael Gillen
Course closed in Grangemouth. Picture: Michael Gillen
Golf's return after being shutdown by the coronavirus crisis is likely to be phased, starting with single golfers and household groups.

The plan was revealed by Scottish Golf chief operating officer Karin Sharp as golf courses around the UK entered a fifth week of being closed due to the lockdown regulations.

"We are actively engaging with many key partners to move forward," said Sharp in addressing the issue of the sport's return in an email to member clubs.

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"We have had positive discussion in the last few days with government (through key contacts in Active Scotland and sportscotland) and have their support in what is a planning phase.

Scottish Golf chief operating officer Karin Sharp addressed the issue of golf returning in an email to member clubs. Picture: Cal CarsonScottish Golf chief operating officer Karin Sharp addressed the issue of golf returning in an email to member clubs. Picture: Cal Carson
Scottish Golf chief operating officer Karin Sharp addressed the issue of golf returning in an email to member clubs. Picture: Cal Carson

"We are also collaborating with key industry partners to ensure that across GB&I we are developing a consistent approach that can be adopted when the time is right.

"It is highly likely that any return will be in phases, with single golfers or household groups in the first instance to ensure that the golf industry continues to adhere to government guidelines.

"Within our clubs, we will have a mix of front line & key workers, along with vulnerable groups who have been shielding or self-isolating for lengthy periods and we must continue to ensure we can keep everyone safe."

Sharp, who is running Scottish Golf following chief executive Andrew McKinlay's sudden departure last week, added: "To be clear, we are very much in the planning phase to ensure that when the time is right, we are well placed and have the support of key partners to be able to move quickly to update clubs with detailed information as to what a phased return to golf will look like.

"In the meantime, whilst we remain in lockdown with the restrictions in place we must continue to stay home and save lives."

According to a report, the golf industry in Wales has been given an advanced notification that courses can reopen from mid May provided certain rules are followed, if there is a relaxation of the lockdown on May 7.

However, Wales Golf, the governing body in the Principality, has made it clear that "nothing has been agreed".

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