Jermain Defoe urges Alfredo Morelos to make history at Rangers

Jermain Defoe and Alfredo Morelos celebrate during Rangers' 5-0 win over Lincoln Red Imps in the Europa League on Thursday (Photo by Fran Santiago/Getty Images)Jermain Defoe and Alfredo Morelos celebrate during Rangers' 5-0 win over Lincoln Red Imps in the Europa League on Thursday (Photo by Fran Santiago/Getty Images)
Jermain Defoe and Alfredo Morelos celebrate during Rangers' 5-0 win over Lincoln Red Imps in the Europa League on Thursday (Photo by Fran Santiago/Getty Images)
Comparisons can be odious but Jermain Defoe knows they can also be inspirational.

While the veteran Rangers striker agrees with his manager Steven Gerrard that it’s far too soon to bracket his team-mate Alfredo Morelos alongside the club’s greatest ever goalscorer Ally McCoist, he hopes the Colombian international can continue to forge his own legend at Ibrox.

With his brace in Thursday’s 5-0 win over Lincoln Red Imps in Gibraltar, Morelos took his tally of European goals for Rangers to 20. He is now just one behind McCoist’s all-time record haul and that record will be firmly in his sights when Rangers travel to face Dutch side Willem II in the third qualifying round next week.

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Defoe, who made his own scoring return to action in Gibraltar, can recall being likened to a goalscoring icon himself when he started his illustrious career at West Ham United 20 years ago.

“People used to compare me to Ian Wright when I was younger,” said Defoe. “It was strange, because I loved Wrighty as a kid, so when I was compared to him, it was a bit mad.

“He was somebody I looked up to, who paved the way and I wanted to get to that sort of level. I was confident enough and lucky enough when I signed for West Ham that they had Ian in the building. I just wanted to learn and I was like a sponge who just wanted to take everything in.

“I can understand the manager here not wanting to compare Alfredo to Super Al who is THE legend. He has a long way to go, he’s still a young lad and I don’t think it’s fair on him if you compare him to Ally McCoist.

“Everyone knows Alfredo has potential, I’ve said it many times since I have been here, how much he has impressed me. I have been around a lot of young forwards in my career and Alfredo is someone who wants to score goals.

“He gets into the right areas, is aggressive and has that appetite and hunger that I love seeing. He is always going to score goals but to get that European record would be unbelievable. The future is bright for Alfredo and hopefully he can score a few more goals for us here.”

Defoe underlined his longevity as a prolific front man with 17 goals for Rangers last season, finishing second in their scoring chart behind 29-goal Morelos.

There is fresh competition for places up front in Gerrard’s side following the signings of Kemar Roofe and Cedric Itten this summer, a development welcomed by 37-year-old Defoe.

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“I just feel that bringing in more forward options is only going to strengthen the team,” said the former England striker.

“Last season, people were standing me stats and messages saying ‘You and Alfredo, the amount of goals you’ve scored, compared to everyone in Europe, is unbelievable.’

“So last season we scored a lot of goals. But this season so far, we are scoring goals and keeping clean sheets, so credit to the boys at the back and the whole team. We defend from the front, do a lot of work on the training pitch. Bringing in the quality players we have is really exciting for everyone.”

Gerrard is likely to rotate his squad again for Sunday’s Premiership match against Hibs at Easter Road, having made six changes in Gibraltar, with the likes of Ryan Kent and Steven Davis set to return.

“The squad is definitely stronger,” added Defoe. “We’ve got players who understand what it takes to play for Rangers, under that sort of pressure.

“Every game you play, domestically or in Europe, no matter who you are playing, you have to put in a top performance.

“That’s something the manager demands. Your own personal performances have to be at the top level, in training as well as in games.

“It’s also good for competition, knowing you have to train well every day and take every opportunity you get, because there’s someone else who can come in and take your spot. It will be difficult to get back into the team if they do well.”

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