Rangers fan has a shocker as he confuses Ibrox legend's dog for child

The instagram post in question, David's reply and Lovenkrands himselfThe instagram post in question, David's reply and Lovenkrands himself
The instagram post in question, David's reply and Lovenkrands himself
A Rangers fan caused hilarity on social media last night with an innocent tweet sent to former Ibrox star Peter Lovenkrands.

Lovenkrands posted a link to an Instagram photo on his Twitter account with the caption: “12 years old today. Happy birthday my beautiful boy.”

Gers fan David Ashcroft was one of many fans to reply, and said to the Dane: “Hopefully grows up and scores goals against Celtic, just like his old man!”

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Nothing wrong with that, you might think - plenty of footballers’ children grow up to be notable players themselves, such as Mark Hateley’s son Tom, who turned out for Motherwell and Dundee, or Henrik Larsson’s son Jordan.

We feel pretty confident, however, in asserting that Lovenkrands’ ‘beautiful boy’ will almost certainly never emulate the first Lovenkrands to play for Rangers.

Because Lovenkrands’ 12-year-old is, in fact, a Labrador.

Fair play to David however, who took his error in good heart, tweeting: “I can’t believe I did that... always click the link before replying!”

He also tweeted the Ibrox club asking: “Gonna sign @lovenkrands11 dog tomorrow so a don’t look as daft!”

Hopefully Rangers play along and invite the four-legged Lovenkrands to Ibrox Bark in the near future.