Police hunt man who broke into Dundee flat and raped woman

Police have released a description for the alleged rapistPolice have released a description for the alleged rapist
Police have released a description for the alleged rapist
Police have released a description of a man who entered a flat and raped a woman in Dundee.

The 32-year-old victim was attacked at a property on Balunie Crescent on the morning of 19 October.

The man, who struck between 10am and 11:30am, spoke with a local accent and wore a black tracksuit top and bottoms, and a black scarf and tammy hat.

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Officers are carrying out house-to-house and inquiries in the area and checking CCTV footage.

Detective Inspector Marc Lorente said: "This has been a particularly distressing incident for the woman involved and we have a number of officers dedicated to this inquiry.

"I would urge anyone who has been aware of any men fitting this description acting suspiciously around the area and who have not come forward to do so."

Anyone with information is asked to contact Police Scotland on 101.