Video: Nicola Sturgeon's final election speech disrupted

Nicola Sturgeon is confronted by a protester. Picture: John Devlin. Video: Chris McCallNicola Sturgeon is confronted by a protester. Picture: John Devlin. Video: Chris McCall
Nicola Sturgeon is confronted by a protester. Picture: John Devlin. Video: Chris McCall
Nicola Sturgeon has appealed for Scots to 'come together' and elect a Government for all the nation in her final speech before tomorrow's election - and laughed off a union jack waving stunt from a lone protester.

As the First Minister launched into a public address at Glasgow’s Buchanan Street steps today, she was met with a huge union jack draped beside her. It later emerged the protest had been carried out by controversial pro-union activist Alistair McConnachie.

But Ms Sturgeon played down the incident.

She quipped: “Thank you to you sir for turning up here to show what a democratic society we are.”

Nicola Sturgeon is confronted by a protester. Picture: John Devlin. Video: Chris McCallNicola Sturgeon is confronted by a protester. Picture: John Devlin. Video: Chris McCall
Nicola Sturgeon is confronted by a protester. Picture: John Devlin. Video: Chris McCall

He was later led away by police.

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Ms Sturgeon said some Scots who vote SNP “may not agree with everything I say or do and will not agree with everything the SNP says or does.”

But she appealed to Scots to “come together to elect a Government that has Scotland’s interests at heart at all times.”

Ms Sturgeon told hundreds of supporters and onlookers that tomorrow is “an important day for our country.”

Nicola Sturgeon is confronted by a protester. Picture: John Devlin. Video: Chris McCallNicola Sturgeon is confronted by a protester. Picture: John Devlin. Video: Chris McCall
Nicola Sturgeon is confronted by a protester. Picture: John Devlin. Video: Chris McCall

She added: “We have a choice - we can choose to continue to move this country forward with confidence in the right direction - or we can choose to allow the Westminster parties to take us backwards.

“I have confidence that people in Scotland will choose to keep moving forward with the SNP.”

“Tomorrow I am asking people across this country of ours to elect the SNP for a historic third term in Government and with great humility I am asking people across our country to elect me to be the First Minister and lead our country for the next five years and into a new decade.”

“I’m asking for a mandate to make this great country of ours even greater.

“If I am elected to be the First Minister tomorrow then I pledge from the bottom of my heart to work every single day to make this country fairer, more equal, wealthier and stronger - that’s my pledge to every single person across our country.”