SNP politicians react as Alex Salmond wins court battle

Alex Salmond outside court. (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)Alex Salmond outside court. (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)
Alex Salmond outside court. (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)
Alex Salmond has triumphed in a court battle with the Scottish Government over how they dealt with allegations of sexual misconduct against the former First Minister from 2013.

The veracity or otherwise of the allegations - which Mr Salmond has strongly denied - were not ruled on during yesterday’s hearing at the Court of Session, which found that the Scottish Government had acted ‘unlawfully’ during an internal investigation.

Nicola Sturgeon, who succeeded Mr Salmond as First Minister, was pressed yesterday in Holyrood by opposition MSPs determined to discover what she knew and when about the allegations.

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Ms Sturgeon took to the Scottish Parliament to make a statement, as Permanent Secretary Leslie Evans pledged a second internal probe to determine what lessons can be learned.

Other politicians in the SNP, which Mr Salmond led for a combined total of 23 years, reacted differently.

One of the party’s most senior representatives at Westminster, MP Joanna Cherry, shared an article from pro-independence newspaper the National stating Mr Salmond’s desire to rejoin the SNP.

The SNP’s Westminster Justice spokesperson added: “Good.”

Ms Cherry also retweeted former MP Michelle Thomson, who wrote: “I absolutely stand by the concept of natural justice and I absolutely stand by the right of women being given a safe forum to raise issues. On all counts this situation has been highly unsatisfactory.”

Fellow MP Angus Macneil, who has caused controversy with some social media postings in the past, shared a number of tweets critical of Leslie Evans, and shared a Scotsman article on Ms Sturgeon backing the top civil servant, commenting: “Reminds me of the sort of thing any nice chairman of the board says before the football manager goes ...”

Mr MacNeil also shared a blog from conspiracy theorist Craig Murray in which Leslie Evans was called ‘disgusting’ and the legal battle was described as ‘the Salmond stitch-up’.

High-profile councillor Chris McEleny tweeted: “Emphatic victory by @AlexSalmond in case that has exposed inherent bias in the manner the civil service handled complaint. Massive public resources wasted by civil service. As promised Alex to donate crowd funding resource to good causes.”

The party’s MSPs were much quieter, with few engaging with the issue online.

Falkirk MSP Angus MacDonald shared Mr Salmond’s statement following his victory.