SNP police investigation: Sooner Operation Branchform concludes the better says outgoing chief constable Iain Livingstone

Police Scotland's Chief Constable Sir Iain LivingstonePolice Scotland's Chief Constable Sir Iain Livingstone
Police Scotland's Chief Constable Sir Iain Livingstone
Sir Iain Livingstone said he hoped the probe would clarify "evidence and facts" instead of "rumours and innuendo".

The outgoing chief constable of Police Scotland has said the sooner the Operation Branchform probe into SNP finances is completed the better for everyone involved.

Speaking to the BBC, Sir Iain Livingstone insisted the two-year long investigation was “entirely legitimate” and denied it had been politically motivated.

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Sir Iain said: "We are duty bound to investigate matters if they are reported to us.

"Our action and our investigation is in the interests of everybody involved because it will clarify facts and deal with evidence and facts as opposed to rumour and innuendo.

"So the sooner this investigation is concluded, the better for everyone involved."

He did not put a timescale on the investigation concluding.

"It has to take its course. We will continue to work very closely with independent prosecutors and matters will progress in due course."

In July 2021 the police confirmed they were investigating complaints made around donations to the SNP.

It followed allegations that £600,000 raised for campaigning towards Scottish independence was diverted elsewhere.

In the past several months, three figures in the party have been arrested in connection with the allegations: former leader Nicola Sturgeon; her husband, the former chief executive, Peter Murrell; and MSP Colin Beattie, who stood down as treasurer.

All were released without charge pending further inquiries. When she returned to Holyrood in June, Ms Sturgeon said she was certain she had done nothing wrong.



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