Alex Salmond ‘has no independence plan’ - Cameron

Prime Minister David Cameorn. Picture: Neil HannaPrime Minister David Cameorn. Picture: Neil Hanna
Prime Minister David Cameorn. Picture: Neil Hanna
Scottish independence: DAVID Cameron has spoken of his love for the “incomparable” United Kingdom, as he set out a “positive vision” for preserving the Union.

The Prime Minister hailed the shared history of Scotland and the other nations of the UK building the industrial revolution, fighting two world wars, creating the NHS and staging the London Olympics.

He dismissed Alex Salmond as a “man without a plan” whose proposals for an independent Scotland were “all over the place”.

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Setting out his case at the Conservative Spring Forum in London for the UK to remain united, the PM asked: “When the future belongs to the innovators, why would we want to put up walls between the bio-engineers in Edinburgh and Cambridge?

“When stability and certainty are what bring in investment, why would we break apart one of the oldest and most successful single markets and currencies on the planet?”

But he said that supporters of the Union were fighting for a No vote on 18 September “not just because the UK works – which of course it does – but because we love this country”.

Cameron rejected the argument that flying the flag is wrong and taking pride in Britain’s history “vulgar”.

“I say no. “Head for head we are a people that have influenced and improved the world like no other – and this is what I’ll proudly teach my children,” he said.

Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon renewed calls for the Prime Minister to face Salmond in a debate instead of “delivering yet another lecture from London”.

She added: “Mr Cameron talks about the importance of the health service as he steadily dismantles it south of the Border, and he talks about providing help in hard times – as his government’s welfare cuts force more and more people to turn to food banks.”