Obituary: Astrid Gray, perfume counter clerk and daughter of a Rangers legend

The ever-cheerful Astrid Gray took great pride in her appearanceThe ever-cheerful Astrid Gray took great pride in her appearance
The ever-cheerful Astrid Gray took great pride in her appearance
Astrid Gray, department store assistant. Born: 22 March 1937. Died: 31 March 2021, aged 84

Educated at Cardonald Primary School, Astrid Gray went on to be a proud bar manager within her father’s Cullens lounge bar after his retirement.

Her father was Dougie Gray, Rangers FC’s longest-serving player of all time, serving his beloved club from 1925-1947, wearing the blue shirt more times than any other player. Her mother was his wife, Jessie Gray (Caulfield).

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Dougie was described as “Rangers’ second goalkeeper” for his uncanny ability to head certain goals off the line if keeper Jerry Dawson was beaten. He formed a memorable full back partnership with Jock ‘’Tiger’’ Shaw for may years as part of the famous ‘’iron curtain’’ Rangers defence of the late 1930s and early 1940s.

Dougie was a part of ten league championships as well as winning the Scottish Cup six times, along with a host of other trophies. He was capped ten times for Scotland at international level and also put in six Scottish League appearances. His manager, Bill Struth, described him as my “best ever signing” – a tremendous tribute for a player in a team packed with stars like Morton, Meiklejohn, Shaw, Dawson, McPhail, Simpson, Young and Waddle, to name a few.

Dougie passed away in 1972, and in the last days of his life was visited in hospital by Celtic manager Jock Stein the day after their European Cup semi- final loss to Inter Milan, in a kind and sporting gesture which Dougie’s family has never forgotten.

While Astrid didn’t follow him on to the football field, she was well known and loved in the field she entered after leaving the bar behind. She spent many years working on the beauty counter at Arnotts of Paisley, and loved every minute. Always taking pride in her appearance, deploying high- end cosmetics and perfumery, she loved any excuse to buy a new bright outfit or scarf to add a bit of sparkle to life.

Astrid will be remembered as an extraordinarily kind person, caring for her mother, Jessie, after her loss of sight, and always there to help others, such as Miss Jones a neighbour near her Angus Oval home where she lived for over 70 years. She made daily visits, feeding any stray cats on her way and adopting any she could. She loved a laugh with her sister Myra, with both racing to share the latest Christmas cracker joke . Astrid had endless cheerfulness and enthusiasm for all who came into her life, even when challenged with poor health, with Flora and Ian McKay being much adored friends.

As well as being sister to Myra (Mary) Caulfield Campbell, Astrid was aunt to Douglas Hilary Campbell and Catriona Mary Milford, great aunt to Laura Campbell and Emily Simpson and niece of Irene Lambert (Caulfield), wife of Bill of the famed 1930s and 1940s Bill Lambert Band – Astrid and her parents spent many an evening enjoying a slow fox-trot or quickstep to their music.

Astrid was hugely appreciative of Rangers Football Club for its lifelong support and friendship, her many wonderful caregivers, friends and neighbours. A heartfelt thank you goes to Professor Matthew Walters and the medical team at The Queen Elizabeth for their exceptional care and compassion. We will all miss you Astrid, you are much loved.



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