Girlfriend of missing Corrie McKeague reveals baby name

The girlfriend of missing Corrie McKeague has announced the name of their new baby, Ellie-Louise Oliver. Picture; SWNSThe girlfriend of missing Corrie McKeague has announced the name of their new baby, Ellie-Louise Oliver. Picture; SWNS
The girlfriend of missing Corrie McKeague has announced the name of their new baby, Ellie-Louise Oliver. Picture; SWNS
The girlfriend of missing Corrie McKeague yesterday revealed the name of their newborn baby.

April Oliver, 21, took to Facebook to announce she had called her daughter Ellie-Louise Oliver.

She posted a picture of the tot sound asleep under a white blanket and asked friends and family to vote for her little girl in a “cutest baby” competition

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By yesterday (mon) lunchtime, the post had received 55 votes.

The update came as police continue their search for 23-year-old Corrie’s body at a rubbish tip.

The RAF gunner disappeared following a night out with friends in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, in September last year.

April, a personal trainer, met Corrie five months before he went missing.

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She announced her pregnancy in January, and Ellie-Louise was born on June 11.

Shortly afterwards, Corrie’s mum, Nicola Urquhart, posted a photo on the Find Corrie Facebook page, saying the baby was “perfect”.

She wrote at the time: “We finally welcomed this beautiful little lady into the world on the 11th of June. She is absolutely perfect.

“I am so very proud of April for getting her here safely. Both mummy and baby are doing well.

“Thank you so much for all your love and support.”

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Just two days ago, Nicola shared a previously unseen photo of her son on the day he joined the RAF to mark nine months since his disappearance.

Police have now spent four months raking through more than 4,800 tonnes of rubbish at a landfill site in Milton, Cambridge, as part of a £1 million investigation.

They are basing the theory his remains are there on CCTV footage which last saw him entering a refuge area behind a Greggs in the market town.

Corrie’s mobile phone was tracked following a similar route to that of a bin lorry, which was found to have carried weight similar to a human body.

No trace of Corrie has been found to date, but officers have been finding items that were disposed of in Bury St Edmunds around the time he went missing.

The search had been due to come to an end, but the police force have said it would now continue on a “week by week basis” as they are still finding items from the right time frame.

Corrie is originally from Fife in Scotland and moved down to Suffolk to live at RAF Honington where he worked as a gunner and team medic in the air force.

Anyone with information about his disappearance is asked to call the incident room at Suffolk Police on 01473 782019.

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