Janet Christie: My Week – Youngest Child showcases Scottish cuisine

Janet Christie's My Week. Pic: Paul ELLIS / AFP via Getty ImagesJanet Christie's My Week. Pic: Paul ELLIS / AFP via Getty Images
Janet Christie's My Week. Pic: Paul ELLIS / AFP via Getty Images
Irn-Bru and Deep Fried Mars Bars tout le monde?

Youngest Child videophones from France where she’s on a student exchange.

“We’re doing a table at an event celebrating the food of all the countries everyone’s from and obviously we’re doing Scotland. Yay!”

Oh no. I know where this is heading…

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“Salmon? Seafood? Venison, cheese…? We have the best…” I begin, hopeful.

“Yes, but difficult to source, although we have found a shop selling Scottish stuff?” she says.


“Yes, but is salmon really just Scottish?”