Man’s Gumtree friend appeal after pal gets partner

Picture: submittedPicture: submitted
Picture: submitted
A MAN who posted an advert for a “friend wanted” on Gumtree after his best friend got a girlfriend has received replies from as far as Poland.

Darren Watt, a 35-year-old from Aberdeen, posted the advert last week looking for a replacement for his best friend of seven years, Laurie Dunlop, due to an “unforeseen relationship.”

The successful applicant will be “paid in pints” and can look forward to “Super Sundays at Korova” - a bar in Aberdeen’s Bridge Street.

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The advert, which was viewed more than 700 times and received 12 responses, is now no longer on the site.

It read: “Due to an unforeseen relationship we now require a new friend to indulge in various pastimes such as attending music events and drinking lager.

“The previous occupier of this position was a bit of a lightweight so this position could appeal to both men and woman.

“If you think you have what it takes not to let a little thing like love get in the way and you could give 100% to the cause unlike some Laurie Dunlops who shall remain nameless then do not hesitate to apply.

“Working hours are various shifts through the week but must be available for Super Sunday’s at Korova. For more information please forward your C.V. “All wages will be paid in pints.”

Darren and friends Steven Mackintosh, 25 and Andy Watt, 25 came up with the idea in the pub.

It was playful revenge for Laurie turning down a “night with the lads” in favour of an evening in with his new girlfriend of four months.

The advert has had over 700 views and 12 replies so far, with an invite from two Polish girls who have recently suffered the same fate.

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Darren said: “We did it for a joke when we were all sat in the pub having a few drinks.

“We’d invited Laurie out with us but he turned down a night with the lads, so he could have a night in with his girlfriend. So we thought we’d get him back by doing this ad.

“We’ve had loads of replies, some funny and some from people who have lost their friends in similar situations.

“We got an invite from two Polish girls who said they were in the same situation because she was loved up and they want us to go across and visit them.

“One woman told us it was delightful to read and some guy from Manchester said he thought we sounded like cool guys but that his social skills weren’t up to standard.

He continued: “We’ve been friends for over 7 years and he’s had a couple of girlfriends but nothing as serious as this.

“It’s only been four months and he has introduced her to his parents and we never see him any more.

“We’re still friends but we miss his company, as far as jokes goes this has to be one of the best.

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“We’re looking for someone fun, outgoing to replace him while he’s all loved up, hopefully we will get our friend back soon.”

Gumtree is a website that allows users to sell and buy from one another without paying an upfront fee for joining.

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