Family of Emma Caldwell ask killer to end their '˜nightmare'

Emma Caldwell was murdered more than ten years ago. Picture: ContributedEmma Caldwell was murdered more than ten years ago. Picture: Contributed
Emma Caldwell was murdered more than ten years ago. Picture: Contributed
The family of a woman murdered more than ten years ago have called on her killer to 'end their nightmare' and give himself up.

The mother and uncle of Emma Caldwell released a statement through their lawyer following a meeting with Lord Advocate James Wolffe in Edinburgh yesterday.

The body of the 27-year-old was discovered in woods near Biggar, South Lanarkshire in May 2005.

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She had turned to drugs, then became a sex worker to fund her habit, following the death of her sister.

In 2015, the then lord advocate ordered Police Scotland to re-investigate the case after media reports identified a new suspect.

Lawyer Aamer Anwar said the family wanted to publicly express its confidence in the new Police Scotland investigation, which he said now involved 25 officers working full-time on the case.

In a statement directed at the killer, Mr Anwar said: “When you took Emma’s life, you tore apart her family’s lives forever.

“They were unable to bury Emma for some two years, her mother Margaret has never been able to grieve and when William, Emma’s father, died from cancer in 2011 he made his family promise they would never give up fighting for justice.

“Emma’s family has one simple request for the killer: end this nightmare by giving yourself up to the authorities. If you fail to do so, then you should know there will never be a time limit on justice for Emma Caldwell.”

He said other women were likely to have “suffered at the hands” of Ms Caldwell’s killer and appealed for anyone with information to come forward.

The original Strathclyde Police investigation, which failed to identify Ms Caldwell’s killer, focussed on four Turkish men – one of whom later received an out-of-court settlement after suing for false arrest.

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Detective Chief Superintendent Gareth Blair said: “Police Scotland remains absolutely committed to the re-investigation of Emma Caldwell’s murder. The re-investigation is focused on a number of areas including forensic opportunities which were not previously available and is pursuing lines of inquiry.

“We have been in regular contact with Emma’s family since the start of the re-investigation and have met with them and their legal representatives.

A Crown Office spokesman said: “In May 2015 Crown Counsel instructed a re-investigation of the murder of Emma Caldwell. That investigation is ongoing.”