Donald Trump '˜asked ex-FBI director to drop Flynn probe'

Donald Trump is at the centre of fresh controversy. Picture: AP Photo/Susan WalshDonald Trump is at the centre of fresh controversy. Picture: AP Photo/Susan Walsh
Donald Trump is at the centre of fresh controversy. Picture: AP Photo/Susan Walsh
President Donald Trump asked former FBI director James Comey to scrap an investigation into former security adviser Michael Flynn, US media has reported.

“I hope you can let this go,” Mr Trump reportedly told Mr Comey after a White House meeting in February, according to a memo written by Mr Comey.

Media reports say the memo was written immediately after the meeting, a day after Michael Flynn resigned.

The White House has denied the allegation.

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An associate of James Comey has said the former FBI director documented conversations he had with President Donald Trump in several memos.

The person said the purpose of the memos was to keep a record of encounters Comey found odd or troubling.

The associate, who was not authorised to discuss the matter by name and spoke on condition of anonymity, has said Comey is willing to testify about his experience with Trump but wants to do so in public.

The associate is also confirming an account from The New York Times that Trump vented anger about media leaks during a conversation with Comey and expressed his support for seeing reporters in prison.

The associate has also confirmed that Trump asked Vice President Mike Pence and Attorney General Jeff Sessions to leave the room before discussing Flynn.

The reports have led the Republican chairman of the House oversight committee to request that the FBI turn over all documents and recordings which detail communications between Mr Comey and President Trump.

Jason Chaffetz has said in a letter to the FBI that he’s making the request to determine whether the president attempted to influence or impede the bureau’s investigation into Mr Flynn.

Chaffetz’s letter to acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe requests all memoranda, notes, summaries and recordings that relate to any communications between Comey and the president.

The letter gives the FBI a week to produce the records.

A White House statement said: “The president has never asked Mr Comey or anyone else to end any investigation, including any investigation involving General Flynn.”

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