Popular dog food sold at Pets At Home recalled due to vomiting and weight loss fears

Hill's Pet Nutrition have recalled dog food from retailers such as Pets At Home. (Picture: Shutterstock)Hill's Pet Nutrition have recalled dog food from retailers such as Pets At Home. (Picture: Shutterstock)
Hill's Pet Nutrition have recalled dog food from retailers such as Pets At Home. (Picture: Shutterstock)
Dog owners are being urged to check their cupboards for potentially dangerous cans of dog food, after health warnings were issued by a pet food manufacturer.

Hill's Pet Nutrition has recalled eight different products from the shelves of pet stores such as Pets at Home.

The move follows an earlier recall in January, when five products were recalled by the company, with three more added to the list on 21 March.

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Customers are being told to stop feeding their dogs the food and dispose of the product, but a full refund can be provided by the shop or retailer the food was bought from.

What could happen to your pet?

The company said the canned dog food may have high levels of vitamin D which - if ingested in high quantities - can cause vomiting and weight loss.

The food could also see dogs suffer loss of appetite, increased thirst, increased urination, and excessive drooling.

If very high levels of vitamin D are ingested by a dog, it can cause renal dysfunction - more commonly known as kidney failure.

Hill's Pet Nutrition blame 'supplier error'

In a post on their website, Hill's recommended any pet owner whose dog is experiencing these symptoms to contact their vet.

The company said, "Vitamin D, when consumed at very high levels, can lead to serious health issues in dogs including renal dysfunction.

"In most cases, complete recovery is expected after discontinuation of feeding."

Hill's said the issue first came to light after a customer in the USA reported symptoms in their dog.

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Following an investigation, the company said the elevated levels of vitamin D in their product was due to "supplier error".

They added, "We care deeply about all pets and are committed to providing Dog owners with safe and high quality products.

"Hill’s has identified and isolated the error and, to prevent this from happening again, we have required our supplier to implement additional quality testing prior to their release of ingredients."

How to check if you are affected

Customers are being advised to match the SKU number on the side of the can and the lot or date code on the top of the can and match it with the affected product.

The full list of affected dog food is below:

Hill's Prescription Diet Canine i/d 360g

Hill’s Prescription Diet Canine Recovery Pack 360g

Hill’s Prescription Diet Canine k/d 370g

Hill’s Prescription Diet Canine r/d 350g

Hill's Prescription Diet Canine w/d 370g

Hill's Prescription Diet Canine z/d 370g

Hill's Science Plan Canine Adult Advanced Fitness Chicken 370g

Hill's Science Plan Canine Mature Adult Active Longevity Chicken 370g

Each of the product's SKU and date codes can be found on the Hill's Pet Nutrition website.

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