Scottish surfer, 15, rides monster wave in aftermath of Storm Ciara

Ben Larg in Lanzarote. PIC: Anton CarusBen Larg in Lanzarote. PIC: Anton Carus
Ben Larg in Lanzarote. PIC: Anton Carus
He’s still just 15 years old, but Scottish surfer Ben Larg is already making a name for himself in giant waves.

In October the Tiree native turned heads on a trip to Ireland, where he rode a 30-foot wave at Mullaghmore, and last week he caught another giant, this time at a secret spot in Lanzarote. 

In the aftermath of storm Ciara, the Canary Islands were battered by a massive swell, producing waves with faces of 20-feet and more. Larg, who was on holiday there with his family, borrowed a 9-foot gun (big wave board) and paddled out with a group of local surfers in what were described as “really tricky, really windy” conditions. He caught two waves in a three hour session, one of which was caught on camera by photographer Anton Carus. 

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Measuring wave height is a notoriously tricky business, not least because there are different schools of thought about how measurements should be made, but even a conservative estimate of Larg’s Lanzarote wave would put it in the 25-30-foot range. It might not be quite as big as his Mullaghmore wave, which was estimated at 30 feet, but in Ireland he was towed into waves on a jetski, whereas he caught the Lanzarote wave using his own paddle-power. 

So, could this be the biggest wave ever paddled into by a Scottish surfer?

Andy Bennetts was one of the first people ever to surf in Scotland when he and two friends took to the waves off Aberdeen on a shared longboard in 1968. Still surfing today, Bennetts is the nearest thing Scottish surfing has to an official historian, and he describes Larg’s Lanzarote wave as “the biggest wave I’ve seen being ridden by a Scottish surfer.”

He adds that there’s a chance of “a travelling or expat Scot being able to show themselves on a larger wave” but considers this “unlikely.”

And if Larg is surfing waves like this now, what kind of monsters will he be dropping into by the time he turns 16?

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