'˜Worrying number' of adults drinking to cope with pressures

Researchers are concerned that 47 per cent of adults surveyed said they drank alcohol  in the last year to cheer themselves up when in a bad mood.Researchers are concerned that 47 per cent of adults surveyed said they drank alcohol  in the last year to cheer themselves up when in a bad mood.
Researchers are concerned that 47 per cent of adults surveyed said they drank alcohol in the last year to cheer themselves up when in a bad mood.
Almost three in five adults say they drink alcohol because it helps them cope with the pressures of day-to-day life, a survey has found.

Research by Drinkaware looked at the drinking patterns of 18 to 75-year-olds in the UK and found nearly two in five (38 per cent) who had drunk alcohol in the last year said they had done so to forget their problems at least some of the time.

Nearly half (47 per cent) said they had done so to cheer themselves up when in a bad mood, while 58 per cent said it helps them to cope with the pressures of day-to-day life.

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