Edinburgh Zoo announces reopening date as Scotland enters lockdown phase two

Edinburgh Zoo's penguins are among the favourite attractionsEdinburgh Zoo's penguins are among the favourite attractions
Edinburgh Zoo's penguins are among the favourite attractions
Announcement follows warnings of closure risk

EDINBURGH Zoo has welcomed the announcement by Nicola Sturgeon that it will be able to reopen before the end of the month.

The First Minister’s move, which was part of a detailed statement on the phase two easing of lockdown restrictions, came after warnings that the zoo could face closure unless it was allowed to welcome back visitors soon.

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The Royal Scottish Zoological Society of Scotland had said it had had to borrow £5 million because of lost income and its future was at risk. It argued the zoo had large outdoor spaces and could reopen safely by introducing social distancing, closing indoor areas, limiting visitor numbers and selling tickets online with time slots.

Around 5,000 people signed a petition backing the RZSS plea to be allowed to open at the end of June.

And a cross-party group of Edinburgh politicians wrote to the First Minister just yesterday calling on her to allow the reopening.

It had been thought the zoo might have to wait until July 15, the provisional date set by the Scottish Government for the reopening of the tourism and hospitality sector.

But in her statement in the Scottish Parliament today, Ms Sturgeon announced zoos could open for business again on Monday June 29.

The zoo was this afternoon preparing an official statement welcoming the news. But a source said: “It’s great news. It’s what we were asking for. But it will still be a difficult time for us, we will still have millions of pounds to repay.”



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