Coronavirus in Scotland: country sees biggest daily jump with 486 cases in the last 24 hours

A staff member testing a patient at a drive through test centre in GlasgowA staff member testing a patient at a drive through test centre in Glasgow
A staff member testing a patient at a drive through test centre in Glasgow
Nicola Sturgeon stressed the high figure is reflective of more people being tested across the country.

Scotland has seen its highest daily figure of confirmed coronavirus cases since the pandemic began with 486 patients testing positive in the last 24 hours – bringing the total to 25, 495.

Two new deaths have also been reported bringing the country’s death toll to 2, 508.

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The 486 new cases - of which 224 were detected in Greater Glasgow and Clyde, 107 in Lanarkshire and 57 in the Lothians – amount to 7.8 per cent of newly-tested people in Scotland.

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Coronavirus in Scotland LIVE: 486 new positive cases recorded - the highest dail...

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said the majority of those cases confirmed in Greater Glasgow and Clyde, which make up almost half of the latest spike, were at Glasgow University following a recent outbreak.

The number of patients in hospital has risen to 83 and ten people are in intensive care with the virus, according to the latest daily figures form the Scottish Government which were released today, Wednesday 23 September.

During her daily briefing, Ms Sturgeon confirmed the high daily figure reflects more people across the country are being tested for Covid-19 compared to several months ago.

Yet she said it also shows why the government reinforced strict measures, including no visits to other households and a nationwide 10pm curfew for all hospitality businesses, to help slow the spread of the virus.

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