Coronavirus in Scotland: Almost half of over-50s ‘less confident about going to shops due to Covid-19’

The survey was undertaken by the Royal Voluntary Service.

The Covid-19 pandemic has left almost half of over-50s feeling less confident about shopping, according to a new study.

A survey of 249 Scots by the Royal Voluntary Service, a national volunteering charity, found 49% had concerns about visiting stores.

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Some 35% of respondents said they are not comfortable visiting friends, 62% are less confident to eat out and 63% are worried about using public transport.

There has also been an increase in the number of people experiencing loneliness, the charity said.

Three in ten (30%) respondents who live alone said they have spent too long on their own and just over one in five (22%) said they feel lonely and isolated – more than three times the figure for those living with others.

Sam Ward, director of services and deputy chief executive at Royal Voluntary Service, said: “With life still on hold for so many, people’s mental and physical wellbeing are suffering.

“Royal Voluntary Service is working in communities to reach those at risk, providing services that really matter, that build confidence and resilience and that ensure social interaction, either virtually or in person.

“We deliver emergency food packs, essential groceries and prescriptions, make companionship calls, drive people to urgent medical appointments and settle patients back home after a stay in hospital.”

Actress Dame Penelope Wilton, who is supporting the charity, said: “The Covid-19 pandemic has affected everyone’s lives, knocking people’s confidence and leaving many struggling to cope.

“Royal Voluntary Service has been a vital lifeline for so many vulnerable people throughout this crisis, and its work is far from over.

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The charity has released a new film highlighting the work it is doing to support the most vulnerable people during the pandemic.

Derek, who features in the video, said: “I knew all about coronavirus but I didn’t expect to catch it myself.

“When I got back from hospital, I was so exhausted, I was all alone and isolation was really starting to take its toll.”

He added: “Life was very difficult so Royal Voluntary Service organised for Alex, a young volunteer, to call me regularly to check how I was doing.

“We hit it off straight away and she’s made such a difference to my life, she’s really kept me going.”

Reporting by PA

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