Woodmill High School fire: Demolition to begin on fire-hit building

Parts of Woodmill High School are to be demolished.Parts of Woodmill High School are to be demolished.
Parts of Woodmill High School are to be demolished.
Demolition is to begin of parts of Woodmill High School tomorrow, the headteacher has said, admitting that some parts of the fire-hit building are “not salvageable”.

Younger pupils at the school will be updated tomorrow as to when they will be able to go back to lessons following the devastating fire last weekend. S5 and S6 pupils were told earlier this week that they will recommence teaching from Monday.

The fire, which broke out on Sunday night, began in the department of additional needs, but spread throughout the building, destroying many classrooms. A 14-year-old boy from Kirkcaldy appeared at Dunfermline Sheriff Court earlier this week, charged with wilful fire raising to danger of life.

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Headteacher Sandy McIntosh said: “There are parts of the building that we won’t be able to salvage and demolition contractors are taking control of the site from tomorrow – Friday 30th. The community should therefore be prepared for demolition starting on the DAS wing imminently as we start to make the site safe.”

Mr McIntosh said he hoped that year groups will be able to be accommodated together, within facilities in West Fife, by the end of next week.

He said: “Things are still moving forward with arrangements for our school community. There are parts of the building that we won’t be able to salvage and demolition contractors are taking control of the site from tomorrow.”

He added: "We must urge people to stay away from the Woodmill site and I’d ask parents to ensure their young people are not heading to this area. It is not a safe place to be. Security fences and security guards are in place for a reason. If anyone sees people trespassing on the site, please call the Police on 101."

A crowdfunding campaign to buy new equipment and resources for the school has now reached more than £10,000.

Mr McIntosh added: "Lastly – but by no means least – I must thank all the local businesses, community groups and individuals who have been so generous with fundraising efforts and financial contributions. It’s all greatly appreciated and will be of great benefit to our pupils in due course.”

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