Export of Scottish seed to Russia is a political hot potato

Political hot potatoesPolitical hot potatoes
Political hot potatoes
In what has already been a bad year for seed potato growers, the sector has found itself unwittingly embroiled in controversy over the export of a consignment of Scottish seed to Russia.

While there is no legal impediment to the export and there are no sanctions on the sale of agri-food products to the state, widespread sentiment has been expressed that the reported 2000 tonnes consignment destined to grow crops for crisp production should not go ahead.

But industry insiders pointed out that, given the loss of the market with the EU following Brexit, considerable effort had been put into finding new markets over recent years – adding that when the seed crops to supply this market had been planted last year there was no expectation that the areas would be embroiled in a major global conflict.

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The Times reported that the seed was being exported by food giants Pepsico – the parent company of Walkers and Lays crisps - with the required phytosanitary certification being provided by SASA, a division of the Scottish Government Agriculture and Rural Delivery Directorate.

Commenting on the reports, a spokesperson for Pepsico said: “In the interests of future food production we continue to support farmers in both the Ukraine and Russia as they face significant challenges and uncertainty ahead.

“We also continue our long relationship with Scottish seed growers as the potato growing life cycle spans over many years and these potato seeds, which have taken four years to nurture to this point, will not be harvested until 2023 in Russia.”

Saltire Seeds, the Scottish seed potato co-operative, reported to be one of the groups supplying the seed, was not available to comment on the issue yesterday.

Patrick Hughes of the Scottish Agri Export hub said that while there were no legal impediments to the export, the supply chain logistics for the delivery of the seed were likely to be problematic.

With most ports closed it was believed that the seed could be exported across Europe by lorry, a move which would require several border crossings and checks.

“So there are several business decisions to be made by the organisations involved in the export of the seed.”

But he admitted that it had been a tough year for seed growers, with the loss of the European market forcing producers to cast their eyes far and wide for alternative markets.

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Scottish Conservative Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and Islands, Rachael Hamilton commented that the deal would sit uncomfortably with many, given Russia’s appalling invasion of Ukraine.

“Questions will need to be answered as to why the SNP Government approved the deal at this time,” she added.

Scot Lib Dem agriculture spokesperson Clare McLaren said that the Scottish Government should ensure that this would be the final and only shipment and that Scotland needed to do everything possible to exert pressure on Putin’s regime, adding that the Scottish Government also needed to work with farmers to ensure that new markets for their products.



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