Which of these eight financial personality types do you match?

Driven achievers feel they know what they are doing when it comes to managing money. Photograph: PADriven achievers feel they know what they are doing when it comes to managing money. Photograph: PA
Driven achievers feel they know what they are doing when it comes to managing money. Photograph: PA
What type of saver or spender are you? According to a new survey by HSBC UK, in partnership with YouGov, who quizzed people on how they handle their finances, there are eight personality types when it comes to managing money.

Curious to know yours? Take HSBC’s online Bank-Life Balance test to find out (webforms.hsbc.co.uk/banklifebalance). Meanwhile, here are the groups identified in the research, along with the percentage of people in each category, and tips for each one.

Driven achiever (15%)

You feel you know what you’re doing when it comes to managing money. You’re comfortable pushing your boundaries if you think there’s going to be a pay-off.

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Tip: People in this group tend to have shopping habits based on speed and convenience. Try buying food online so you can save by planning meals.

Self-sufficient spender (14%)

You like to make life as easy as possible. Although you’re not flashy, investing in quality matters and you like to live life your way.

Tip: You like to be loyal, but try shopping around instead of sticking to one supermarket to shave money off your bills.

Skilled saver (10%)

You keep a tight rein on your finances and strict budgeting means you stay on track. Nothing goes to waste and you live within your means.

Tip: Skilled savers hate wasting money. So while you may not want to throw out your old sofa just yet, try freshening its appearance up with new cushions or a throw.

Trend spender (16%)

You’re ruled by your heart and aren’t scared of stretching your finances as long as you can maintain your lifestyle. If you see it, you want it!

Tip: Try giving yourself a few days’ breathing space after seeing something you like. That way, if you’re still thinking about it, you know it’s a considered decision.

Sensible sage (15%)

“Save now to spend later” is your motto. You see no point getting into debt unless you can pay it off in full every month. Bargains matter as does finding the best deal.

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Tip: If you’re catching up with friends, look for local free attractions or pop-up food stalls that may offer quality food at a fraction of the cost of dinner on the high street.

Budget guru (7%)

Your financial discipline is the envy of your friends in your determination to balance the books to come in on budget.

Tip: You may have firm habits – but challenge yourself to try something new once a month. This group also tends to borrow more money than other personality types – not to splash the cash, but to pay for everyday essentials, which is something budget gurus may want to address.

Spontaneous spender (9%)

You’re always trying new ideas. If it’s a choice of staying in to save money or going out to the latest restaurant you’ll do the latter.

Tip: Try a bit of planning, such as making a shopping list and avoiding shopping for food when hungry.

Controlled saver (14%)

You’re cautious about any financial risk. You’ve little interest in labels and rarely splash out, but you’re loyal to the brands you know and love.

Tip: Boost your savings by selling unwanted goods online before buying something new.

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