Edinburgh Rugby's head of commercial to build connections between Scotland and Ireland

Hailing from Northern Ireland, Ben Slater moved to Edinburgh in 1997.Hailing from Northern Ireland, Ben Slater moved to Edinburgh in 1997.
Hailing from Northern Ireland, Ben Slater moved to Edinburgh in 1997.
The head of commercial at Edinburgh Rugby has joined the board of an organisation that helps build business connections between Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

Ben Slater will sit on the management board of Causeway: Ireland Scotland Business Exchange, which was established in 2016 as a not-for-profit membership organisation.

In his current role, Slater has the opportunity to engage with a wide range of businesses, in particular across Scotland and Ireland, through Edinburgh Rugby’s involvement in the Guinness PRO14 Championship, which involves professional team from across Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Italy and South Africa.

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He is set to bring a “wealth of experience in sponsorship and event management” to his board role at Causeway.

Slater said: “Being involved in a networking group like Causeway helps facilitate connections across a wide range of sectors to help grow your own business.

“Given the exceptional circumstances we all now find ourselves in with the coronavirus lockdown, it is more important than ever to have a strong network and I hope to help push Causeway to the forefront of business networking.

“For Edinburgh Rugby, we are very much looking forward to getting back to playing rugby after the crisis has passed and to see our Edinburgh fans pack out our brand new home stadium.”

Hailing from Northern Ireland, Slater moved to Edinburgh in 1997.



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