Escape rooms close amid confusion

Daniel Hill said he was disappointed the business had had to close.Daniel Hill said he was disappointed the business had had to close.
Daniel Hill said he was disappointed the business had had to close.
Escape rooms in Scotland have been told they will be allowed to open – a day after one of Scotland’s biggest operators closed its doors over fears it was breaking coronavirus lockdown rules.

Escape, which has a 200-room global operation headquartered in Scotland, was advised it may be classed in the same group as theatres and concert venues. It closed the doors of its six Scottish venues and cancelled bookings amid confusion over the sector’s official status, which businesses warned could jeopardise the future of the £4.5million industry.

However, the Scottish Government has confirmed that the sector can reopen, after “detailed analysis”.

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A spokesman said: “We were made aware recently of the need to provide clarity regarding the categorisation of Escape Rooms, which did not fall clearly under the remit of any of our sector guidance.

“Following detailed analysis, we’re happy to confirm that escape rooms can now open in line with other indoor attractions as long as they adhere strictly to all existing precautions and guidance, including hygiene control and household limitations – and we will be communicating this to the sector.”

Escape founder Daniel Hill said: “Escape rooms clearly should not be classified the same as theatres or concert venues – we’re visitor attractions where participants do not mix with other customers, the rooms are private spaces, there are no actors, and there is only minimal and brief socially-distanced contact with one employee.”

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