Awards glory for Orkney pupils' enterprise company

Part of the Estrela team: students from Kirkwall Grammar School in Orkney. Picture: contributed.Part of the Estrela team: students from Kirkwall Grammar School in Orkney. Picture: contributed.
Part of the Estrela team: students from Kirkwall Grammar School in Orkney. Picture: contributed.
An enterprise company run by school pupils in Orkney is looking to build on its recent awards show success.

Already crowned Scottish Young Enterprise Company of the year, Estrela, run by 12 final year pupils at Kirkwall Grammar School, earned a place at the nationwide finals last week, where it won the FedEx Express Access Award.

Estrela produces lamps featuring iconic Orkney islands locations, such as the Italian Chapel and the Ring of Brodgar.

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HR director Calum McArthur said: “This is not the end for Estrela, but the beginning of a new and exciting journey.

“We would like to give our heartfelt thanks to a number of people and groups. Firstly, to Young Enterprise Scotland for facilitating our trip, and in particular to Mark Armstrong and Lucy McOuat for being an invaluable help through the various issues we faced over the weekend.

“Our thanks to all the sponsors of the event, to the staff team at County Hall, but most importantly to our fantastic link teachers Denis Soames and Kerry Warman.”

McArthur went on to offer his support for the UK Young Enterprise winners who will proceed to the European finals next week.

He said: “Though we did not win the finals, our congratulations go to the winners who we know will do Britain proud in Serbia on 16 July.”

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