On this day in 1818: Scotland’s Crown Jewels found

Scotland's Crown Jewels, also known as the Honours of Scotland, exhibited in the Crown Room of Edinburgh Castle. Picture: TSPLScotland's Crown Jewels, also known as the Honours of Scotland, exhibited in the Crown Room of Edinburgh Castle. Picture: TSPL
Scotland's Crown Jewels, also known as the Honours of Scotland, exhibited in the Crown Room of Edinburgh Castle. Picture: TSPL
THE HONOURS of Scotland lay undiscovered in a chest in Edinburgh Castle until this day in 1818, when Sir Walter Scott led a party entrusted to find them.

The jewels, which had been hidden during the time of Oliver Cromwell to prevent them being melted down and sold, were rediscovered when Sir Walter was given permission to carry out a detailed search of the castle by the future King George IV, after the regent became fascinated with the legend of the jewels and their whereabouts.



The jewels; the Crown of Scotland, the Sceptre of Scotland and the Sword of State of Scotland, had last been used to crown King Charles II in 1651. Scott was honoured for his discovery and the jewels were put on display. When the Stone of Scone was returned to Scotland in 1996, it was also placed in the Crown Room of Edinburgh Castle, alongside the Honours.