Hardeep Singh Kohli blames ‘over-zealous doctor’ after admitting driving without licence

Hardeep Singh Kohli. Picture: Ian West/PA WireHardeep Singh Kohli. Picture: Ian West/PA Wire
Hardeep Singh Kohli. Picture: Ian West/PA Wire
Scottish comedian and former Big Brother contestant Hardeep Singh Kohli today admitted driving without a licence.

But, the comic claimed he did not realise his licence had been revoked by an an “over-zealous doctor” when he complained of pins and needles in one of his feet.

Yesterday at Glasgow Sheriff Court the 50-year-old admitted driving in Glasgow’s West Nile Street on April 10 last year. His licence was revoked in October 2017.

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The court heard Kohli had experienced tingling in his foot and went to the doctor to find out what was wrong.

The doctor then wrote to the DVLA about his problem which meant his licence was cancelled.

Kohli’s defence lawyer Garvey McCardle said: “He was worried about his foot and he was experiencing pins and needles and he contacted his doctor.

“She was zealous in her approach and she told the DVLA that it led to numbness, he didn’t know she wrote to them.”

When a letter arrived at Kohli’s Edinburgh address he originally believed it was about his father’s health. Later he consulted a different doctor.

Mr McCardle said: “This doctor said that they would rectify the situation as there was nothing wrong with his foot.

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“The GP said it would be sorted and Mr Kohli tells me matters are in place to have his licence back.”

Sheriff Ian Fleming said: “Before I can dispose of this case I need to know the advice that was given by the previous GP.”

Kohli will be sentenced next month.