Doric guides to be given to visiting oil execs

Oil executives arriving in Aberdeen are to be given Doric dictionaries. Picture: TSPLOil executives arriving in Aberdeen are to be given Doric dictionaries. Picture: TSPL
Oil executives arriving in Aberdeen are to be given Doric dictionaries. Picture: TSPL
FIT next? International oil delegates heading from across the globe to next week Offshore Europe showcase are being given a crash course in the mysteries of Doric, the distinctive dialect of the North east of Scotland.

For the thousands of visitors who flock to Europe’s oil capital for the oil and gas industry’s annual conference and exhibition getting to grips with the local dialect can sometimes prove a challenge.

But to help smooth the lines of communication for international oil tycoons Robert Gordon University (RGU) has produced a mini Doric Dictionary which will be distributed to delegates as they arrive for the event at Aberdeen Airport.

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An RGU spokeswoman explained: “Providing visitors with a crash course in the dialect of the North east, the guide, which was developed in consultation with students at the university, aims to help those coming to the city to ken their toonser from a teuchter and a funcy piece from a bowfin’ buttery.

“Featuring key words and phrases across a range of topics from ‘The Basics’ and ‘Small Talk’ to ‘Eating and Drinking’ and ‘The Weather’, the dictionary will be handed out by RGU representatives at the airport, alongside a pocket guide to the city which the university also created.“

Martyn Spence, RGU’s Director of Marketing, Communications and Student Recruitment, said: “We wanted to do something fun to help welcome the people who travel from all over the world to come to Aberdeen for Offshore Europe.

“The Doric dialect is so unique and, for those who have never heard it before, can easily be taken for a completely different language. We thought it would be nice to produce something which would give visitors an insight into what some of the key words and phrases mean.”

Mr Spence continued: “Offshore Europe is very important not only for Aberdeen as a city, but also for RGU which is a recognised leader in developing research and people for the global oil and gas industry.”

He added: “RGU has a great deal to offer those developing a career in energy, whether as an entrepreneur starting up an innovative new business or as part of a national oil company or global corporation. RGU leads in providing the human resources required to keep the energy flowing, as well translational research which improves efficiency, profitability and safety and we want to ensure that those who come to the city for Offshore Europe take that message back with them and spread the word about the north-east.”

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The university also plans to distribute the Doric Dictionary at future student fairs and events, as part of RGU’s award-winning Grin Up North recruitment campaign aimed at potential students across the UK.

Samples from the Doric Dictionary

Fan ye aff? When are you going?

Foo mony? How many?

Fan div ye yoke? When do you start work?

Foo’s yer doos? How are you?

Fa’s roond is it? Whose turn is it to buy the drinks?

Clype: To tell tales

Footer: Messing about

Swaak: Agile

Swick: To cheat

Sook: Sycophant

Tricket: Delighted

Gype: fool